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The US side was used to citing various anonymous sources or numbers that are “seemingly real” to accuse China of various things, which were later all proven wrong. This is nothing new. Not long ago, the Bloomberg Businessweek reported that Chinese hackers implanted microchips in the products of some of the US companies, including Apple and Amazon, to steal and channel out information. But Apple, Amazon and Supermicro all denied this story as soon as they could. Apple demanded a retraction of the report. Amazon said that there were many inaccuracies in the report, and no tampered hardware or problems arising from malware have been found. Supermicro said that the third-party‘s report did not identify any issues with suspicious chips or malware after a full review. We heard that Supermicro still reserves its right to pursue legal liabilities or take legal actions. Even the US Department of Homeland Security has publicly acknowledged that there was no evidence to prove that China has done such things. This time, the US side issued a so-called “indictment” on two Chinese people on the grounds of so-called “cyber-stealing”, accusing them of infiltrating into the IBM and HP Enterprise. But I saw reports saying that the IBM has clarified in a statement saying that there is no evidence that sensitive IBM or client data have been compromised by China.




责任编辑:刘万里 SF014经历周四(美国当地时间)股价暴跌9.96%,苹果市值三个多月累计蒸发约4460亿美元,其蒸发的市值比Facebook的现有市值还高。美国东部时间3日周四盘中,苹果股价一度跌至142.08美元,创逾一年半新低,日内跌幅超过10%。周四美股收盘,苹果收报于142.19美元,跌幅9.96%,单日市值缩水746亿美元,跌至6747.48亿美元。
